National Youth Dance Company presents Oona Doherty: Wall

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On Stage


National Youth Dance Company are England’s flagship youth dance company. This year they return to Latitude Festival to present an extract of their new production WALL by ground breaking choreographer Oona Doherty.

If you spoke to Britain what would it say? 32 young dancers from across England tell us what they think – the good, the bad, the ugly. The old and new…

Oona Doherty creates a brand new work in which the dancers keep getting up, showing us their
real strength and beauty, in a repetitive movement of resistance, stamina and will. Their greatness in Britain.

NYDC is run by Sadler’s Wells. Since 2013, they have produced high-quality, critically acclaimed
productions created with internationally renowned choreographers such as Wayne
McGregor, Alesandra Seutin, Russell Maliphant, Botis Seva and more.