On Stage

Second Stage


Words are not to be taken for granted. Especially when they’re being bellowed,
full blast, by a broad-shouldered poet with the brimstone fire of a preacher
and the honesty and wisdom of a layman, over ground-shaking live beats and
between anthemic blasts of melody and rousing riffage.

Words matter. History matters. People matter. And Big Special matter.

A duo who are louder than bombs, Big Special write about desperation and
struggle, about a Britain in decline, about finding pride in your darkest
moments, about how the real class war in the UK is always punching
downwards. Theirs are songs of hope, and despair, and more hope, because,
ultimately, good people win. Songs that channel that voice you hear when you
look in the mirror and see your true self – fight songs for a world gone wrong